Uninstall Manager

Uninstall Manager - a tool to manage Windows Setups and installed program packages.

Service Manager

Service Manager - a tool for quick control of Windows Services

Doxygen Documentations



ROS Explorer

ROS Explorer - a replacement for MS Windows Explorer in ReactOS

screenshots of ROS Explorer in different development phases

download ROS Explorer


Winefile Winefile

ExcelFormat C++ library for XLS files

Oracle SQL Formater Plugin for ClipControl

fixed ClipControl Package

XMLStorageXMLStorage - a light weight C++/ Java XML library

MySQLPL - a library to wrap the MySQL C API for C++ and D

OCIPL - a C++ template library to wrap the Oracle OCI


Castor documentation and contributions


GLAntenne - HCM VA99 Antenna Viewer

Locations of visitors to this page

Stendhal - an Arianne RPG
